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June 18, 2007

Clean Closet

Day 168: Walk-in

I posted the above picture on Flickr yesterday, with the following text:

"I have a walk in closet in my room, which has gone largely unused because it just got stuffed full of junk when I moved in. I decided a while ago that it needed cleaning out, and finally managed to get to it today. It generated a huge bag of trash, a huge bag of recycling (magazines and the like), and about half a box of stuff I'm putting on freecycle. It also yielded a bunch of stuff I'd forgotten about or had been missing. I'm excited about having more closet space, and a second dresser which was unburied in the process."

I started to elaborate, and thankfully remembered that my mom sees my flickr, and removed some of what I had written and decided to post it here instead.

(Aside: Brad and I were talking recently and I was saying that I had turned into such an irregular blogger, and he was saying that flickr seemed like a better medium for me, especially with the daily photo project, because it's picture and backstory in one, and to some extent I think he's right)

The walk-in quickly became the catch-all for any mess I didn't have time to deal with before someone would be seeing my room- be that friend, housemate taking care of a cat, or a date- just stick it in the closet and deal with it later. But I've been in this room for a little over 2 years now, and all that stuff adds up. I knew there was stuff in there that needed to be thrown out, stuff I wanted to give away on freecycle, and I knew there were a coupe of boxes that I had no clue what was in them.

I found stuff I'd been missing- my Barnabas Project baseball cap, my snow hat and gloves, several summer pj tank tops, and a couple of pairs of shoes. Also some postcards I'd bought, some books I'd been meaning to read, and half a box of unmatched socks (which, when added to my other half box of unmatched socks, yielded more than a few complete pairs).

I also found stuff I'd forgotten about- a funky spice rack I bought like, 2 years ago, a vase set that I LOVE but has been packed away since I lost my job back in 2003, a box of halloween candy that is at least 2 years old (went straight into the trash), and a pregnancy test (unused, but also expired, so I threw it out too). It was that last item, when I read it in my flickr posting made me say "oh, um... I should change that, my mom reads this." Because I didn't really feel like fielding that phone call...

I'm excited to finally have the closet in useable order (well, after my sister's visit this weekend- it's going back to being the hiding place for a few more days)- I'll be able to hang up all my SCA clothes, keep all my luggage in one place, and actually put all my shoes away in a close without fear that the closet monster will eat them.


Nice job! I've been doing that recently, what with putting our house up for sale and all. It's not fun.

posted by: Chris at June 22, 2007 10:26 AM