November 07, 2008

3rd time is the charm

I actually really love our coffee pot at work. It brews into a steel carafe that keeps the coffee hot all morning, without the need for a warming burner. And it has a piece in the top that lets you pour some coffee while it's still brewing, without spilling coffee everywhere. When you forget to put that piece in? The filter collapses, and grounds and coffee go everywhere but into the carafe.

Yup. I did that this morning.

Thankfully my coworker caught it quickly, I got it cleaned up with minimal damage, put the piece back in, topped off the water, stuck in a new filter, and hit "brew".

As soon as the pot beeped I jumped up, since I actually have a client waiting on that coffee. I poured the cup, but instead of being rich and dark, it was really watery, like tea. "WTF?" I thought.

Notice anything I forgot in that last set of brewing?

If you said "coffee grounds" you get a gold star. The 3rd pot of coffee is now brewing. I'm pretty sure I did it right this time. Which would be really nice for the client who is *still* waiting for his coffee...

November 03, 2008

Why old friends are the best

Tara: WOW. I just rediscovered a band I haven't really listened to since maybe 1998
me: oh yeah? who is that? Seven Mary Three?
Tara: Sponge
me: ah, cool
Tara: no, I still listen to 7m3... I come back to them every two years or so and realize they've released a new album
Tara: I ripped the "mallrats" cd to my computer on saturday (oh yeah, iPod #2 took a massive dump) and was listening to the Sponge song on there
Tara: related, sorta: "zack and miri make a porno" is HO-LARIOUS
me: was the HO there intentional? :)
Tara: as in "huh-larious"
me: :)
Tara: I mean, it's about as dirty as it can get and still have an R rating, but worth the watch
me: am I going to see parts of Seth Rogen that I don't really want to see?
Tara: actually, you don't see much of Seth Rogen
Tara: you do end up seeing an awful lot of Jason Mewes though (as in Jay from Jay and Silent Bob)
me: ooooh... uhhhhh... how much of Jason Mewes?
me: and am I going to like him in this movie? I detest Jay
Tara: um, just about all of him, if not actually all of him
Tara: he's not really a Jay in this movie but he is kind of a freak
me: I... wow. OK. There might have to be alcohol involved
Tara: as in, yes, you actually see his peepee
me: hee!
me: you said peepee
Tara: that was the point
Tara: I think you will be surprised. It is actually a surprisingly cute movie.
Tara: (and stay through the credits.)
me: OMG
me: I read that and thought you were going to say it was a surprisingly cute peepee
Tara: oh LAWLLL!
me: to which I was going to have to scream just alittle
Tara: /dies
me: hee!
me: I'm so putting this on my blog!