January 26, 2006

Well that was fun...

Keegan and I planned to hang out last night. We both worked a little late, so by the time I got home, I was just biding my time until he got there too. I pulled into my driveway listening to my GBC CD (Love!) and wanted to finish listening to the track, so I pulled out my cell phone and started playing tetris. Then one track led into four, and many many tetris games on the phone. Suddenly the stereo in the car went dead, and I thought "aw crap, I killed my battery". But the air was still on, my parking lamps were still on, so I was skeptical about it being the battery. I'm enough of a girl that I admit that when something happens to my car, I have no clue what it is.

Keegan brought over his jumper cables and we got my car going again, and got on the road. We were supposed to go help Valerie with her light plot at Coastal Rep. When I made the turn from the highway onto Main Street, I noticed red and blue lights in my mirror. Lovely. I knew exactly what it was. My tags are expired because I just keep forgetting to do it.

I pulled over, rolled down my window, and talked to the cop for a few minutes- he asked if the car was registered to me and the like- and then he asked for my license. I dug into my purse for my wallet, and had to dig quite deep before it dawned on me that I had left my wallet in my desk drawer at work. So not only was I driving a car with expired tags, I was driving it without my license. Thankfully I know my license number, and its exploration date. And even more so, thankfully my driving record is clean. Tags are a fix-it ticket, so it wouldn't go on my record, but still.

The weirdest thing about it all, was that the whole time the cop was talking to me, I couldn't get over how much he reminded me of Sarah. Then I glanced at his nametag, and it turned out he was Sarah's brother. I had forgotten that he was a Half Moon Bay cop. When it was apparent that he was going to let me go, I said "I know your sister," and he was really surprised, but then said "Tell her I was nice to you."

January 24, 2006

The Spice Goths

A couple of months ago, my friend Audrey emailed our group of friends and said someone had made a musical of Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, and that the music had been done by Elton John and Bernie Taubin. We figured it was either going to be really great or really awful, so we decided to all dress up goth and just have a fun girls night in San Francisco- nice dinner, lots of hang-out time, and go to the show.

We all got ready at my place- dark clothing and make-up were strewn all over my bedroom, then we went to dinner at the oldest Morroccan restaurant in San Francisco (we wanted to go to Cortez, but couldn't get reservations). After dinner was the show, and then we tried to go to Max's for dessert but they were closed. I have to wonder why Max's in the theater district was closed at 11pm on a Saturday night, but... whatever. So we went to Friday's for dessert, which, wow was the service bad. The highlight of the awful service was Charlotte filling a water glass from the soda station, right next to our waiter, and the waiter didn't even acknowledge that she was getting her own beverage. But the important part is we wanted to have a fun night, and we did.

here are some pictures from the evening... want to know how the show was? Click the "continue reading" link- I don't want to give any spoilers.

Charlotte as "High Maintenance Goth"

Yours Truly, as "Perky Goth"

The only known photo of the Spice Goths (actually a photo was taken with another camera but I have yet to see evidence of this)

Continue reading...

January 17, 2006

Not Again

As long as I have known Caryn, she has been passionate about raising money for the American Cancer Society. She has lost more than her share of people to it. Yesterday she found out that her dad has lung cancer, and they don't expect him to make it. He's in the hospital, and she and her sisters left Texas early this morning to be with him in Florida. If you are they praying type, please keep her family in your prayers. If you're not, please send up a thought to your higher power of choice. To quote Caryn on the subject:

"Why did it have to be that word [cancer]? Anything, ANYTHING else in the world except that word."

January 13, 2006

De-Lurking Week


It's the tail end of it, but apparently it is de-lurking week, and I'd really like to know who is out there reading, or if I am mostly just talking to myself here. So leave a comment, tell me who you are, where you're from, and why you read. If you leave a link to your own site I promise I'll visit it.

*disclaimer - I did not create this button. I don't know who did, but I stole it from American Family and I take no credit for its creation or profit from its use.

January 10, 2006


So, last night Charlotte and I got trapped in Dee and Chad's apartment. The parking situation over there pretty much sucks. Dee's truck, Merlot (she has two vehicles and we refer to them by their names rather than my their makes), was parked in what is essentially part of their backyard. Charlotte was parked blocking Merlot in, in sort of a non-space that people use anyway. I parked at the end of their garage. When it came time for Dee to leave for work, we realized we all needed to go do the parking space shuffle so Dee could get Merlot out and go to work, and Charlotte and I needed to go find some dinner anyway.

I was the first person to get of the apartment and walk over to where all the cars were. When I headed down the walkway I saw a police car stopped in the street, double parked, but across the street, so the cop could have been at any number of places. When I truned the corner, I saw that Charlotte, and as a result, Dee, were blocked in by a neighbor's car, whi in turn was blocked in by a second cop. My car was pretty much the only one parked in that area that had the ability to be moved, so I walked back to Dee, who was locking her apartment door, and said "Dee, you're taking my car to work." She gave me kind of a funny look, and then the three of us rounded the corner and they saw what I was talking about.

So Dee handed me the keys to Merlot and took off for work in my car, and Charlotte and I headed back inside to wait for the cops to leave, every so often slipping through the backyard to peer around the cars and see what was up. The cops hung around for a very long time, making it semi-necessary for Charlotte and I to go rummaging around in Dee's cabinets. We came up with Triscuits and EasyCheese. It was 10 pm on a Monday night, so no one would deliver us a pizza.

Finally the cops were gone, at about 11. We then had to go knocking on doors to find out who owned the car blocking Charlotte in, and of course, it belonged to someone in "The Mean Lady's" apartment. I went up and knocked on the door, and a very unfriendly "Who is it?" was shouted through the door.

"Um... it's your? neighbor's? friend?" (it should be said that this is the person whose friends keyed my car last January because I parked in "their" space)

She opened the door and I pointed, asking if she knew whose car that was, because we wanted to get the cars out, and don't worry, we're leaving and weren't coming back that night.

We got all the cars moved, and I remembered how much I hate driving Merlot. Sometimes it is a necessary evil, but I like driving my little car much better. Charlotte and I finally got some dinner at 11:30. Pho Hoa was the only thing still open in the area, so we went there, where I randomly ran into someone I haven't seen since my junior year of highschool, what are the odds? 11:30 at night, and we were the only four people in the place. I gave her my cell and my email, so maybe I'll hear from her.