February 25, 2005

Yeah Yeah I know what I said...

I know I said the movie meme would likely be the last you'd see on this site. "Likely be". That gives me the out to do these. But really, it's my site and I can do whatever I want, but by way of explanation- Music is essential to who I am. Song lyrics have a tendency to speak volumes to me. So this was a fun one I wanted to do.

Continue reading...

February 24, 2005

10 Things I've done that you probably haven't

1. Fallen out of a tree and had the ER triage nurse insist I tried to kill myself.
2. Had a woman call me at 11:45 at night and insist I worked at Taco Bell and was sleeping with her husband.
3. Laughed so hard I passed out.
4. Hid under my friend's bed for 3 hours insisting the room was on fire after having acid slipped into my beverage.
5. Watched Garden State six times in one weekend.
6. Fell in love with a baby in a Philippine orphanage and wanted to smuggle her home in my suitcase.
7. Sang a solo from inside a 2 story tall artificial Christmas tree.
8. Held onto my virginity til the age of 28 (and still holding).
9. Learned how to deliver a baby at home.
10. Had a woman in McDonald's think my best friend was my daughter.


I'm such a dork. I totally walked into the door of my office a few minutes ago. The door to our suite opens out into the hall, as opposed to opening into the suite, so I tend to grab the door handle and push as I'm still walking. I don't stop, open the door, and go through. I missed the door handle, so of course, the door didn't open, and I walked right into it.

Oh, and I'm getting close to my 250th comment, so, comment early and often to claim the coveted spot, and the awesome prize (yet to be determined by me. Maybe comment as to waht a good prize would be).

February 22, 2005


February 14, 2005

Weekend From Hell

Yikes. What a weekend. It's 9:30 Monday morning, and I'm just getting to work (for those of you who don't know, that's an hour after I'm supposed to be here.) And it's Valentine's Day, how lovely. Excuse me while I barf.

Looong weekend recap:

Saturday started off well. I got up early and went on a site walk through for a place my medieval group is going to be holding an event this summer (and my calves *still* hurt from all the hill walking I did). I got home a little after noon and sat down at my computer to type up the minutes from the group's meeting last Wednesday. But, since I also had the TV on, it took me a while to get them done. My housemates came home right as I was putting a DVD in, and Mer pretty much burst into the house exclaiming "I'm really drunk. Deal with it." And I was like, "Umm, okay." That ticked me off, but whatever, I had stuff to do, and I pretty much just ignored her and Leo. She also told me that she would be giving Dave, our other housemate who is also her brother, their 30 day notice that they were moving out. Okay fine. I knew that was coming.

I went back to my work, and Mer and Leo were watching the movie with me, verbally picking at each other, occasionally going out to smoke, or Leo to the garage to cut firewood and bring it in, and generally being loud. I was already irritated at Mer, and the loudness wasn't helping my mood any. So I (not so subtly) picked up the remote and turned the volume on the TV up, hoping they would get the hint. They didn't. They continued to bicker because Mer wouldn't tell Leo something, and finally I had had it. I blew up at them.

Still looking at my computer screen, I said "Can we not do this right now?" and Mer said something to the effect of "Thank you", thinking I was telling Leo to lay off. I swiveled around in my chair and let her know, in no uncertain terms that I was talking to her too. I said that I knew the TV room was a common area, but I was watching a movie and trying to get some work done and if they wanted to fight could they please go somewhere else and do it. I also told them that they need to figure out that they can't communicate with each other when one or the other of them was drunk- it doesn't work. And swiveled back to my computer as they sat there in stunned silence. I then proclaimed "This movie sucks, and I'm turning it off." I went to the shelf to grab a different movie, and Mer started getting all defensive, and we yelled at each other some more, then she stomped out to the patio and burst into tears.

Leo sat on the couch not saying a word, and we all went on like that for about 45 minutes. Finally, I finished what I was working on, and was trying desperately to find something to do to get myself the heck out of dodge. Finally at about 6:00 I took off to go out with some friends, looking at wedding invitations, then dinner, then back to their house to watch a movie or two. I finally left about 2 am, got in my car, pulled onto the street, and realized I had a flat tire. Great. I turned around, and went back to my friends' place. Chad came out to help me with the tire, because I'm lame and don't know how to work my jack. I also don't know how to get my hubcaps off. (I feel validated in that Chad could not get my hubcap off either) When we returned to my car from the apartment, that was when I saw they keying. The letters FU and some lines had been keyed into my hood. There were also two scratches down the side of my car, one right above the flat tire, and one that went from headlight to taillight. Lovely.

Apparently I had parked in a spot that one of their neighbors seems to think is her assigned parking place. It's not. But they had called a tow truck to have my car towed. I just happened to leave right before, and was in a different place when the tow truck got there. The neighbors in question were outside talking to the tow truck, than came to talk to Chad and Dee and I, prompting a screaming match between the four of them. Mind you, it was about 2:30 in the morning. We had to call a different tow truck, since the one that had come to tow me did not take AAA, and I was finally on my way home at 3 am.

Val called me at 12:30 yesterday afternoon, I was supposed to be at the theater at 1:30 and she hadn't heard from me (because I was still asleep). I got up, got showered real quick, and right when I got out of the shower Mer knocked on my door. She apologized, and I apologized too. I was right about what I said, but I do feel it was wrong of me to yell like that. Anyway, so things are okay there. She was knocking because they had seen the keying and the donut tire, and wanted to tell me my other tire in front was flat as well, and they were on their way out but would follow me to a gas station to put air in it if I wanted.

The tire filled up easily, but steadily lost air over the course of the day and overnight, I had to put more air in it this morning to get it to the tire place. I was hoping they had just loosened the valve stems to cause slow leaks, but no, both tires were ruined, and this morning I got two new tires, that being the reason I got to work an hour late. I'll have to deal with the keying for a while, because my insurance deductible for vandalism is insanely high and it'll take awhile before I can afford it.

Bleh. Now back to your regularly scheduled blog.

February 11, 2005

The Doorless Wonder

Wow. Um, I used to ride in this car, about a year and a half ago. Keegan added arrows to the places I hit, that I mentioned in my last post. They look like nothing compared to the rest of it. Here it is at its most recent destination- the car crusher junkyard.

judys hits.jpg

February 10, 2005

Broken, Frozen and Showered

Last night was interesting. I had a meeting, then decided to see if Keegan wanted to go have dessert (I know, I need to get out of the "going out for dessert" habit). I got to his house, met his new housemate, then we left. In the driveway, I broke the window and dented the rear fender of one of his cars. He let me. He handed me the sledge hammer. The car was actually the "doorless wonder" that I have made reference to in the past, and he's sending it off to be crushed tomorrow. I've been wanting to take a whack at it for a while now, and shattering a window was kinda exhilarating.

We went to TGIFriday's because I was craving it, I can't remember why. We had a really great server- she was witty and fun and put up with our crap and my finicky ordering. When my salad came, I picked up a piece of cucumber and showed it to Keegan and said "Look, it's frozen" and in fact it was. He said I should send it back, but I just picked the cucumbers off and started eating the rest of it. But the lettuce was frozen too, and it hurt my teeth. I made a horrible face and managed to swallow, and Keegan was trying to figure out what was wrong. Our server came by about that point and asked how things were and I picked up my salad and said, "Um, sorry, but can I have another salad? This one is frozen." And she gave me kind of a weird look, but I had put a frozen cucumber right on top, and she saw it, and was like "wow, um, yeah I'll get you a new one". So she brought a new salad and all was happy til it was time for dessert.

I have fairly simple taste when it comes to dessert, so I just ordered a sundae, and Keegan ordered the "atkins approved" cheesecake. (he's not doing Atkins, he was just being good) Our server brought our desserts, and some drink refills for nearby tables. She put down Keegan's cheesecake, then some drinks to a table next to us, and then reached for my sundae. And knocked a glass of Raspberry Iced tea off the tray. It hit our table and bounced (plastic glasses, good) splashing *everywhere*. I got quite a bit of it on my sweater, I yanked my purse out of the splash zone as quickly as possible (my ipod escaped unscathed) and the table and floor were covered in ice and tea. If you've never been to TGIFriday's, their beverage glasses hold about 18 ounces. She then put my sundae down in a puddle of tea, so we could eat dessert while she cleaned up. These things happen, so we were pretty gracious about it, we weren't harmed. It quickly became funny, especially when one of the hostesses was helping to clean up the mes and said "wow, she really did get this everywhere..." about 6 times.

*UPDATE* I forgot to say that Keegan's car smelled very strongly of gasoline, I don't know why but I think he does because he wasn't concerned. On the way home we were tired and silly, and the gas smell was really strong, and we kept making jokes about huffing gas and getting high. We were crackwhores huffing turpentine, except, yanno, without the crackwhores or the turpentine. But that line will never get old. Serious. I plan to embarrass my future grandchildren, providing I have any, buy saying it, and they're gonna be all "Dammit, Granny is talking about crackwhores huffing turpentine again!"

February 09, 2005

Look over there ---->

I'm trying something new, over in the sidebar. Take a look and let me know what you think.

February 08, 2005

The ones that got away...

Wow. The four that were left from the movie line post were not the four I thought they'd be. Well, maybe #9 because it's older, but it's a total chick flick so I thought someone would get it.

4. “I'm nice, I really am, apart from my terrible taste in pie” This is from Love, Actually. I loved it from the first time I saw it. I saw it in the theater, and then it was the first movie I got from Netflix. Totally unrealistic, but good fun anyway.

5. “These are my children, and I will protect them from myself even if I have to” Monsoon Wedding. A bunch of people recommended it, including my 7th grade english teacher, whom I am still in touch with through email. I'm not quite sure why I liked it so much, but I did. To me, it was love triumphing without the "Hollywood cheese", and the strength of love and family and the human spirit.

7. “Being nice when you say something pricky is even prickier” Center Stage. Dancing movie. 'Nuff said. I love dancing movies, and this one is about reaching for your dreams when others tell you it's hopeless.

9. "Oh, there's nothing worse than a finicky agapanthis" Bed of Roses. I can't explain why I love this movie, I just do. And it's not because of Christian Slater. (Caryn did know this one but she couldn't think of the title.)

So thanks to all who played. It was fun.

February 07, 2005


Keegan and I had lunch at Macaroni Grill today. We like that place because they give us crayons and let us draw on the tables. According to one drawing by Keegan, I have 5 fingers and 2 thumbs on one hand, and the other hand has a head of broccoli growing out of the wrist.

I knocked the bread plate off the table and broke it, and I totally scared the poor blind guy sitting at the next table.

Conversation snippet:
(I had just repeated something someone I have a bit of a crush on said)
Keegan: That's such a nerd thing to say
Me: But I like nerds
K: I know
Me: In fact, I'm wearing I (heart) Nerds socks right now.
K: Show me, I don't believe you
(I show him my socks and he laughs)
K: You're a dork.

Crackwhores Huffing Turpentine

That title is part of my favorite scene in Garden State, which I watched 5.5 times this weeknd (I fell asleep during the 4th viewing on Saturday) I spent the weekend ripping my cds to mp3 to put on my ipod, which arrived on Thursday. I am completely enamored of it (the movie and the ipod).

It was a pretty good weekend, I saw four movies other than Garden State this weekend too, two in the theater (The Wedding Date and Hide and Seek) and the other two movies I had from Netflix (Powder and First Daughter). I also had a meeting for a medieval feast I'm planning but won't get to go to because it conflicts with a friend's wedding in Toronto, and I went to a superbowl party yesterday. I rooted for the eagles but really didn't care who won. At the superbowl party I had something that is apparently a "Daymon Superbowl Tradition"- my first ever bacon burger chili cheese dog. Which is exactly what it sounds like- all those things on one bun. Yikes.

Good thing that my ipod gets me out of bed in the mornings to go for a walk before work- the working out in the mornings is going to be good for me, I just know it. I was talking with Daymon's mom about gastric bypass surgery yesterday, and Daymon kept coming out of the kitchen to yell "IT'S FOOTBALL!!!" meaning "stop talking about chick stuff during the game". She had GBS two years ago, and has lost 170 pounds. That's how much I need to lose. But the idea of GBS scares the hell out of me, so I'm trying other things right now and will re-evaluate my decision when I'm 30 if nothing has changed. But she said something to me, which I'm sure she didn't intend as mean, so please don't construe it that way, but one of my friends overheard it and applauded me for my positive outlook. She said "You get down to 180 or so, and you'll be gorgeous." And I looked her right in the eye and said, "I'm gorgeous now. At 180 I'll be gorgeous and healthy."

So people, feel free to ask how my working out thing is going, keep my ass kicked and motivated...

February 05, 2005

Shout Out

Happy Birthday Brad! Here's wishing you all good things this year.

Everyone else go pay him a visit.