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February 28, 2007

After the flood all the colors came out*

I saw a rainbow on my way to work this morning. It was a weak one, but it reflected my mood. I woke up in an amazingly good mood.Maybe it's because I went shopping yesterday and bought clothes in smaller sizes, and it was ALL ON SALE! Maybe because of the contract in my purse signing my life away to a personal trainer for the next 9 weeks, and knowing what that'll do for me. Maybe because I knew I was going to put on the new smaller clothes. I don't know, but I got dressed, and felt really good. And I was just... happy. All day. It's a nice change fron feeling like my life is chaotic.

I had this exchange with Caryn around 2pm:

(I had said earlier that my new boots hurt a bit)
me: back. armed with salad and a double espresso. taking the hurty boots off
caryn: lol
(time goes by)
me: it's sad how bad my mocha is. I can't let it ruin my GOOD day though
me: (or the boots. hurty-but-non-day-ruining-boots)
caryn: :(
caryn: so are you just trying to think positive? or is there something making it a good day?
me: have you seen this?

Day 58: Retail Therapy

caryn: wow. cool!
me: yeah
me: it's a GOOD day
caryn: :)
me: i'm wearing a lot of that stuff today
me: that sweater (the oatmeal colored one) is deceptively warm and cozy
me: happy day

It's the end of the day, and today was just... Good. Nevermind that the freaking sharks lost again. It's still good.

*Beautiful Day - U2
