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October 25, 2006

I can't believe I'm actually posting this...

I'm not a dog person, and I've never owned a dog, but i've been around enough of them to know that dog ass has a distinct smell unlike any other (though all dog ass seems to smell roughly the same). I was just reading Amalah's post about her dog's trip to the vet over the weekend, and suddenly my office smelled like dog ass. Out of nowhere and for no reason. Now... I've been in places that just seemed to generate spontaneous smells- John's car, my old office at PCF, and occasionally even this office- but man! Is it the fact that my nose is finally cleared of The Snot I picked up at Casa de Lucid combined with the power of suggestion? If so I'd better be careful what I think about for the rest of the day...


I will say it: GROSS!!!

posted by: DWQ Online at October 30, 2006 12:04 PM

it's true, though. i have witnessed the spontaneous smells from two of those places.

posted by: tara at November 6, 2006 08:33 PM