Tea Party
Saturday was the first of many events leading up to Laura and Ben's wedding. Saturday was Laura's engagement tea, which is a super cute tradition that I'd never heard of before, but though was a really fun idea. Mostly it's a luncheon for the bride-to-be to celebrate her engagement with her friends.
As a gift, everyone brings a wrapped teacup for the couple to have and use in their new life together. Pretty typical wedding shower theme there. But what was different, and what I found really neat, is that a year after the wedding, the bride has to throw a tea party for the same friends that were there on Saturday, ad she has to serve them tea- in the cup that they gave her. So she has to remember who was there and who gave her which teacup.

What a cool concept. So did she write down who brought what cups or will she remember on her own?
posted by: Defining David at May 8, 2006 06:45 PMOhh! That's such a great tradition! I have to steal that, for whenever I get married for real someday.
posted by: kat at May 13, 2006 09:15 PM