The Count
A short list of life's activities, and the grey hairs caused by them.
3 Traumatic Breakups: 0
3 Deaths of people really close to me: 0
4 Years in a stressful job: 0
2 Years in a job that made me want to rip my hair out: 0
1 Fundraiser for 300 that had to be *perfect* down to the last detail: 0
1 Fundraiser I planned myself: 0
2 Months of watching hockey: 5
That says a lot, really - that hockey could cause 5 grey hairs, but the other stuff didn't.
posted by: Tara at April 19, 2006 12:41 PMSeek Medical Attention. LOL :) Just kidding. However, I do totally think you may be addicted to Hockey.
posted by: David Quinn at April 24, 2006 05:08 PM