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April 04, 2005

Various Random

Yeah, so... pretty much the whole month of March disappeared into this vacuum of intense busyness. April is threatening to be the same way. It's a weird feeling to realize a whole month went by and is a complete blur. I'm ready for life to slow back down.


I bought herbal essences shampoo this weekend, because it was on sale. I kinda now remember why I don't use it. I can smell my own head, which means the shampooo is way too strongly scented. I mean, it smells good, and my hair feels nice. But I feel like I'm enveloped in a cloud of shampoo scent and not so sure I like it.


I cooked this weekend! I made a chuck roast, and it finaly came out tasting like my moms (minus the onions) because I finally broke down and bought a bottle of burgundy to cook it with. I had resisted because I don't like wine, and I don't cook anything with it except chuck roast, but now that I bought some, it was totally worth it.


At what age should a girl outgrow her obsession with ballerinas? I was a tomboy growing up, never liked pink or had "girly" posters (ie flowers, dancers, kitties) in my bedroom. Now I kinda have the urge to hang black and white framed prints of ballerinas in my room- because they scream grace and strength, and those are traits I want to have. That and when I get to my goal weight I want to study dance.


I love shampoo scent clouds!

posted by: Almost Lucid (Brad) at April 6, 2005 12:11 PM

You should never outgrow ballerinas and pink and flowers and kitties. :)

posted by: Caryn at April 8, 2005 04:34 PM

Hi,I'm new reader from Almost Lucid. I like your blog website.

Bear with me: The Mom in me wants to tell you to get a package of dry onion soup for your next roast. It's the easiest way to get all the flavors you want to permeate the meat. Stick it in a slow cooker for 6 to 8 hours with at least one cup of water. Do it overnight if you are afraid to leave it on while away from your house, and by morning, you have dinner cooked. Just had to pass this on because of your description of that roast. uhm, I'm way too hungry just thinking about it as I've started the LA Weight-Loss Program.

posted by: Kay at April 25, 2005 11:15 PM