Moving on...
As I've mentioned- the housemates that I call the "scary-crazies" are moving out. With this comes some good perks for me, in addition to not having to deal with their unpredictable behavior. I'm going to be moving into the master bedroom, which is twice the size of the room I'm in now. And, it has its own bathroom, so I won't have to share with Dave anymore. It's not like sharing a bathroom is all that bad, I've always done it, but Dave has this thing about not putting anything on the counters. In my old bathrooms, I've had little decorative touches, boxes of hair supplies, a toothbrush holder, that sort of thihg. And our current bathroom has a ton of counterspace - all comoletely devoid of anything, and it makes me crazy. But soon I'll have my own and can do whatever I want with the counter space in there.
I have all these plans of how I'd like my room to be, but it'll take me a while to get it there. If you want to help, go here and I will love you forever.
Bleh... Just when I think "oh, it's not so bad, things have improved, I can do this for another month", I stay home on a weekend. Mer just got home from work and she is *blasted*. She hurt her hip, someone asked her out for a drink, and apparently everyone kept buying her drinks. Now she has a bad hip, she's an emotional drunk so she's crying all over the place about the move, and she won't stay sitting down to take care of her hip. And me, of course I'm doing my maternal thing and just taking care of her, but I'm annoyed. It's like, SHUT UP ALREADY. WE had a really good night last night, we watched dvds and cooked a really yummy dinner together. I was actually starting to think I'd really miss her when they move. But I'm so sick of the drinking, so sick of the drama. April 20 can not come soon enough.
Wow, I'm glad for your good fortune. I hope you have a quick month and a half!
posted by: Almost Lucid (Brad) at March 14, 2005 08:32 AM