Ok, so yesterday, I asked Brad if, in light of Monday's post, it would be irresponsible of me to buy an iPod, since I am trying to be good about debt and all. I decided that yes, it would be irresponsible and bad, but that cash for paying stuff off was just sitting in my bank account, and I reeeeeealllyyyyy wanted an iPod. And a massage, and new shoes, and all kinds of other stuff. Which, as Brad pointed out, was spoken like a true American-in-Debt(TM). But no. Bad. Buying an iPod Bad.
Today, I was less convinced. My resolve was crumbling. I REALLY wanted that iPod. I told Caryn I was gonna be bad and buy it. The only thing keeping me from ignoring that little voice in my head whispering "financial independence" was the fact that I couldn't think of anything tres cool to have engraved on my little pink bit of music-y goodness. I needed some broccoli cheese soup to help me think.
I got in my car. I flipped on the radio. The DJ told me that if I was the first caller that could tell her who collaborated with the New Kids on the Block on the 1990 hit "I'll Be Your Everything" *and* what album the song appeared on, I'd win a mini iPod. What? Duh! Tommy Page, and the album was Paintings in my Mind. I figured someone else would get it but dialed up the station anyway. And OMG!!! like 4 people got it wrong. Hello? What? How could you not know that?? (everyone knew it was Tommy Page but didn't know the name of the album)
But dude! I'm glad they didn't know, BECAUSE I WON AN IPOD!!!!!!! I now have, sitting in my email (and not my domain email so don't even think about trying to hack in and get them), a claim code to go to the Apple website and get an iPod mini of my choice, AND an iTunes allowance code I can use to download the songs from that album. Seriously, as I said to Caryn, this day couldn't really get any better. (Well, if the stupid usb port on my laptop worked, that would be better, but you can't have everything)
I found this site completely on accident looking for an explanation of the word/name/whatever "twitterpated." I'm just randomly stopping in for a moment.
Anyway, congratulations! I love hearing stories of deserved good fortune.
posted by: Jonathan at January 14, 2005 11:01 AMWoohoo! You won an iPod! That's so cool.
I used to have such a ... *thing* ... for that album. Heh.
posted by: kat at January 14, 2005 11:16 AMKat- Used to? Used to?? I *still* do. But not as much as his first album. I'm just kinda glad someone I know now actually knows who that is.
posted by: Judy at January 14, 2005 11:54 AMOh ... I still have them all on cassette, and a bunch of his songs sitting in my mp3 playlist. But I have to say "used to," if only because I no longer listen to him daily and giggle about him with all my friends. Er, except for right now. Heh.
posted by: kat at January 15, 2005 10:19 PMCool, hon! Sorry about the USB port, tho. Have you asked around if that's fixable?
posted by: Keegan at January 18, 2005 03:27 PMYou like so totally suck. I want an ipod mini. Win me won. Congratulations.
posted by: David at January 19, 2005 08:08 AMJudy, You ROCK! You are going to love your iPod. I don't know how I lived without mine. I got mine in August and I'm still addicted. I need to get my husband one so that he'll keep his hands off of mine.
Congrats in a BIG way. You never know when random bits of information will pay off for you! I must do a blog entry paying due respect to my little iPod friend.
posted by: Kris Robinson at January 22, 2005 12:16 PM<napoleon>luckyyy!</napoleon>
i love hearing about people winning things.
getting something for nothing is one of the great story themes of humanity! :D
j(found your site because tara said she made you pass out).
posted by: jon at January 24, 2005 09:09 AM