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yesterday left my head kicked in... »

May 24, 2004

Not for the squeamish

Any cat owners out there (or even just people familiar with cats) know that when a cat starts to lose their balance, or starts to slip, they dig in with their claws. My cat is no exception to this. He sleeps on my bed with me, and generally he gets right up in my face. I tend to sleep really close to one edge of the bed, so occasionally he gets knocked off the edge, and there have been a few times that he has decided to hang on for dear life instead of just jumping down. Usually he gets the blanket and manages to stay on, once or twice he has gotten my shoulder, and the pain will register, but won't wake me up more than halfway.

At 4 am this morning, I apparently scooted and Julie got displaced. I came fully awake to horrible pain and the realization that my cat's claw was embedded in my skin. Nearly his whole weight was pulling on it as he scrambled to maintain his spot (but had failed as he was pretty much already on the floor) and his claw was stuck, which meant I had to grab him by whatever means necessary- which I think was the foreleg with the stuck claw and his tail- haul him back up on the bed, and disengage his claw myself. From. My. Right. Nostril.

I then had to get up, dig through the box of bathroom stuff I had packed on Saturday, and find the neosporin and a Q-Tip. (why are they called Q-tips? they don't look like Q's) It hurt so bad that it took me a good 20 minutes to go back to sleep, and every time the cat tried to get near me I shoved him away. I wasn't mad at him really, I just didn't want him near enough to me that it could happen again. And I'm sitting at work, a good six hours later, and it still really hurts.



posted by: Rasee at May 25, 2004 08:17 PM

I have the same issue, except instead of trying to hang on to me, he's jumping out of my lap. I've got a few little scars on my legs from him. Stupid pussy.

posted by: Almost Lucid (Brad) at May 27, 2004 10:47 AM

I hope finding out why Q-tips are called Q-tips might help make you feel better. According to some guy at straightdope.com this is why Q-tips are called that:

"The official explanation, which is not altogether satisfying, is that the name stands for "quality tips." I get this from the folks at Chesebrough-Pond's, the manufacturer. It all started back in 1926. Until then the company's cotton swabs were called Baby Gays, mainly because you were supposed to poke them into infants. Apparently having an inkling that the name Baby Gays might strike certain persons as humorous in years to come--one recalls the sad fate of Fairy Soap, whose ads once said, "Do you have a little Fairy in your home?"--the company decided to adapt to the new era by changing the name to Q-tips Baby Gays, and eventually just to Q-tips. Another reason for the change was the realization that the whole family could use cotton swabs, not just babies."

- Stranger.

posted by: Stranger at May 27, 2004 08:13 PM