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March 26, 2004

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

If you call me Judy it means you know my name

If you call me Judyth you know me more formally, probably in a work/business setting

If you call me Judyth but pronounce it Ju-deeth you are a telemarketer

If you call me Judykins you are my dad

If you call me Imp you have known me since I was a very small child and are one of the rare few I let get away with it.

If you call me Jujubee you are Anne- and if you're not I *will* hit you

If you call me Judi-Knight you are Joseph or Dave, or sometimes Nicole

If you call me Judy you know me from AOL and don't know me well enough to know my real name

If you call me Juliana you know me from the SCA

If you call me Juliette you knew me as a kid in the SCA and don't know that I go by Juliana now

If you call me Juliette-soon-to-be-something-else you are Evaine or Wyrm (and I'm, hoping you're the latter because that means we're in touch again)

If you call me Mama and you are not Stephanie, you are Ben from highschool and you'd better knock it off.

If you call me your favorite Charlie's Angel you are Caryn, and you are fabulous

If you call me Blushes you know me from IRC

If you call me Abby you know me from my early IRC days, or from online writing groups

If you call me Baby you are Ryan

If you call me Honey you are Peter or Sarah, or any of the guys who work at Mr. Pickles

If you call me Love you are Michael from the title company who I have a huge crush on but have never met

If you call me Goober you are probably Ida, and I've done something not all that bright

If you call me Ma'am I don't care who you are, I will make a face at you
