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August 20, 2006

Couch to 5K

Recently Brad sent me a link to a running program. It looked pretty neat, and I decided I was gonna try it. I told Caryn about it, and she decided to do it too. Being lazy, I procrastinated a week or so before I started it. It's hhhhhard. I did one workout last week and it seemed pretty easy, but after working out yesterday and today I realized that it was easy because I didn't break a sweat the first time. Which means I was doing it wrong and it wasn't actually doing any good beyond the fact that I was outside moving and not inert in front of the television.

I tried it on a treadmill on yesterday and thought I was going to die. I ended up doing a 20 minute brisk walk instead of running, but I broke a sweat in the first 3 minutes, so at least it was effective. I've decided that at least for now a treadmill is too hard. I always feel like I'm either going too fast or too slow, so it's out in the sunshine in and around my neighborhood for a while. I managed a good brisk walk/run and did just over a mile and a half in 25 minutes. Which doesn't sound like much when I type it out, but it's better than I've ever done I think. I've been doing the same route a couple of times a week for a while now and usually it takes me 45 minutes and I don't break a sweat.

I drove the route after I walked/jogged it yesterday to figure out the distance, and then I found a route that has me doing a figure 8 with my house as the intersect point that extends the workout to 2.5 miles. I'll eventually find a way to increase that by half a mile and still land me at my house at the end.

At the moment I feel like I've been run over, but I know this is good for me, and I know I can do this. I know that soon it will stop hurting this much.

...by Judy at 08:31 PM | Comments (0)
