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Name: Judy
AIM: Judiknyght
Yahoo: Judiknyght2000

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January 25, 2007

Where does the time go?

It's weird to look up and realize you have this blog thing that you haven't posted to in weeks. I need to work on that.

This year has been nothing short of amazing if you know me. There have been ups and downs, but overall I'm pretty happy. I joined a gym a couple of weeks ago, and I actually make myself go. Not only do I make myself go, I'm *motivated* to go. That's never happened before. Before I joined the gym I was getting up and walking two miles before work. Not every day, but a few times.

I'm working hard to get up the motivation to move my M-W-F gym trek to the mornings- that's slow going if I think about it but I've surprised myself. Yesterday was supposed to be my first "head to the gym at 6am" morning. Thanks to a random case of food poisoning (food allergy? no one else got sick) I was up til 3am Tuesday night. Nevertheless, when my my wakeup call came at 6 I told my friend I had been sick and wouldn't be getting up. But then I lay in bed really wanting to go. Ultimately I decided I was exhausted and didn't go, but the fact that I wanted to at 6 in the morning said something.

The fact that the trainer at the gym put me on an elliptical machine first thing and I continue to use it when I go to the gym boggles my mind. I hate the elliptical machine. I was in pain for days the first time I used one- probably due to using it improperly- but now I am determined to up my sweat time on the damn thing from 20 minutes to 30 minutes. I know I can do this. I know I need to do this. And I'm starting to believe that maybe I actually want/like to do it too.

(and adding to the progress in the last post, I can now remove two pairs of work pants without unbuttoning them. It's almost time for new pants!)

...by Judy at 04:01 PM | Comments (1)


I'm proud of your progress, Judy! Keep workin' the program! FYI, your "guest post" went up on my blog just now... so prepare for the millions of people visiting through my site. :)

How many people you think read my blog? Maybe 4? :)

Posted by: charlie at January 26, 2007 02:09 PM