by Charlotte
Ok, so this is Judy's blog, so she gets to title the entries, but if *I* got to title it, it would be called "So, What Form Would You Use For That." You see, at the moment, I don't have a car. Two hours ago, I had a car. Granted, that car had a slightly (and by slightly, I mean more than one month, less than two) expired registration, but still, a car. And then Judy sent me to Wing Stop, and, being a good-blogathon-supporting friend, I went. And the cop(s) pulled me over. One kinda hung around in the background. The other was new. Really new. Really, really new. Too new to go out alone new. Thus the guy in the background. NewCop did most of the talking. At one point, she asked a series of questions, then walked back towards the car. I have (had. will have. tenses are funny) have a convertible, so, from my car, I can here things that people with roofs and rear windows can't hear, and so it was that, as NewCop (doesn't that sound like a air freshener flavor? No? Right. Sorry, I ramble late at night) as NewCop walked back to the car, I heard her partner say "did you ask her x, y, and z?" She said "Oh, no." and promptly came back to ask me the questions. Yeah. So, I'm sitting there, and they're talking, and I hear her say something like "two days over." This can't be good. It isn't, and I know it isn't, because he replies "so you *could* tow it." And NewCop says "I've never towed a car before." And *he* replies "so, what form would you use for that." Yeah. NOT GOOD. Apparently, she finds the form. She then goes down the list of things she can do. This list includes searching my car for drugs and/or weapons (she had to touch my stinky hockey gear so, you know, ha ha), searching me for drugs and weapons (so, you guys, if an officer asks you "is there anything in your pockets I should know about?" and you answer "Uh, there's Kleenex in my pocket. I've, uh, used some of it." NewCop will look very nervous and throw a Help-me look at her partner. Her partner will laugh. Kind of a lot. Then NewCop will gingerly pat the *outside* of your pocket. Yeah.), and putting me in the back of the police car for awhile. Also, if, while you're in the back of a police car and Taylor Swift comes on, and you openly sneer at Taylor Swift, the older, more experienced cop, who is having *no* part of searching a beat up old car in the post-midnight cold, will mock you and turn up the radio. I'd complain about police brutality, but really, he was kind of awesome. Except for the part where he and NewCop towed my car. But, you know, besides that.
So, anyway, after is was all over, and I was standing, alone, at almost 1 in the morning, in a weird hotel parking lot, with no car, I called Judy. And she came. Because she's my friend. Plus, I had the food.
And that, you see, is why Judy's 1am post was late. Honest.
Posted by Judy at July 26, 2009 03:03 AMso I'm sure the whole experience kinda sucked, but the way she told the story was awesome. :)
Posted by: Caryn at July 26, 2009 05:13 AMShe said as soon as she gets her car back it'll be hilarious.